Windows 11 - Sample Benchmark: MacBook Air M1

2020年11月15日—IgnoretheNovabenchGPUscoreandDiskScore,theseareunreliableornotvalid.UseGeekbench5ComputetesttocheckGPUMetalscore,and ...,602NovabenchscorewithIntelCorei5CPUandIntelHDGraphics5000GPU.,1328NovabenchscorewithIntelCorei7-4770HQCPUandIn...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Novabench results 2020 Imac

2020年11月15日 — Ignore the Novabench GPU score and Disk Score, these are unreliable or not valid. Use Geekbench 5 Compute test to check GPU Metal score, and ...

Macbook Air 13 use's Benchmark Result

602 Novabench score with Intel Core i5 CPU and Intel HD Graphics 5000 GPU.

Mac Macintosh's Benchmark Result

1328 Novabench score with Intel Core i7-4770HQ CPU and Intel Iris Pro GPU.


425 Novabench score with Intel Core 2 Duo CPU and NVIDIA GeForce 9600M GT GPU.


Novabench Results Database. Search for results. Sort by: Score, highest to lowest. Search. Open scores menu. Top User Results ...

Download Novabench

Download Novabench for free and test your computer's performance. Runs on Windows, Mac, and Linux.

My macbook pro's novabench score

2024年2月28日 — I took this pic to send to my friend when i first got it in January and just found it looking through old photos and wanted to share, ...


2020年11月15日—IgnoretheNovabenchGPUscoreandDiskScore,theseareunreliableornotvalid.UseGeekbench5ComputetesttocheckGPUMetalscore,and ...,602NovabenchscorewithIntelCorei5CPUandIntelHDGraphics5000GPU.,1328NovabenchscorewithIntelCorei7-4770HQCPUandIntelIrisProGPU.,425NovabenchscorewithIntelCore2DuoCPUandNVIDIAGeForce9600MGTGPU.,,NovabenchResultsDatabase.Searchforresults.Sortby:Score,highesttolowes...

Novabench 4.0.8 電腦效能跑分評測工具

Novabench 4.0.8 電腦效能跑分評測工具
